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Thursday, March 28, 2013

The little book of 'I love you'

It's been a minute. Alright, you caught me. Maybe it's been more like a month (or two). You want the truth? Back in February, Brooks went to a month-long training for work. Unlike the last time he left for an extended period of time, I decided to abstain from all social media while he was away. That decision was motivated by a desire to cultivate an environment of solitude and carve out some extra time with the Lord. 

When Brooks got back I resumed my use of IG, facebook and twitter, but I've felt a little rusty when it comes to blogging. Before he left I put together a little book for him and posted a picture of it on IG. A few of you asked me to blog about it, and I figure this is a nice way to ease my way back into the swing of things. 

[Note: I used my Christmas present from Brooks to take these photos!]

Husband and I never really know what to anticipate when it comes to communication when we're separated in physical proximity for work stuff. Sometimes we are able to text message, Skype, or talk on the phone, and other times we can only hope to receive a letter in the mail. This little book was a way for me to make sure that I got to tell Brooks, "I love you," every day, regardless of whether or not we were able to talk on the phone. 

The book itself is from the crafter's paradise, aka: Hobby Lobby. You can find it in the scrapbooking section for less than five bucks. 

Everything else is just a compilation of scrapbook paper and other stuff that I've collected in my craft box.

I made one page for each day he was away. 

As I made each page, I hoped to accomplish one of the following things:

To encourage Brooks with truth.

To remind him of who he is.

And to communicate how deeply he is loved.

If you decide to make one of these books for someone, try to give yourself enough time to put thought into each page. I tried knocking out ten pages in one day and it was just too much. But this prayer calendar helped spark ideas when I was running out of them!

How do you say "I love you," when you're not able to do so face-to-face? With this Army life I am going to need lots of ideas! Please do share yours! 


  1. You are amazing! What a treasured gift I'm sure this is for Brooks. I'm so proud of you and how you are trusting in the Lord through the trials of Army life.

  2. Thanks, Ashley! It is so mutual!

  3. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this book! You rock!!! I may do a weekly version of this...already have a calendar...need to get moving and get over my denial!!!
