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Sunday, February 19, 2012

For the praise of His glory.

I’ve had a strong aversion toward keeping a blog, but I’ve been encouraged to do so by a number of people, the most convincing being my husband, Brooks. My hope is that it will serve as a place to document what the Lord is doing in our lives. Brooks and I believe that God has given us great purpose in where He leads us. We also believe that who we are is not determined by what we do. Rather, what we do is determined by who we are. That being said, before I begin telling you what we do, I think it’s appropriate to tell you who we are.

As many of you know, Brooks and I met through a leadership program called the Forge in Tyler, TX. God used the program to solidify His calling in both of our lives. For Brooks, that calling is to be a man after God’s own heart. Those of you that know Brooks know that justice and integrity drive him. I found that incredibly attractive. I wanted to follow a man that was able to see what is right and do it. I told him this and we got engaged. 

And married…

There is a bit more to the story than that, but I assume most of you reading are familiar with the details.

I believe my calling is to love, respect and support Brooks as he chases after the very heart of God. What an honor and a blessing that has been to me. Within that calling, I believe God is sending me out to seek for those who are lost to be a guide for people that He has awakened back to their Heavenly Father. 

Together, Brooks and I believe our purpose is to display the covenant-keeping love of God to His people. The greatest expression of this unbending devotion took place over 2,000 years ago on a cross. It was the climax of God’s plan to rescue His people, when he sent His Son Jesus to die for His church, His bride. “That death was the ultimate expression of grace, which is the ultimate expression of God’s glory, which is of infinite value” (John Piper, This Momentary Marriage).

May our lives, marriage and yes, even this blog, be for the praise of His glory.  

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